Universal Declaration of Human Rights http://www.ohchr.org/EN/UDHR/Pages/Language.aspx?LangID=grk Articles 1,2,3,5,7,12,13,15,18,19,21,22,25,26,27,30 … >>>>>…….>>>>>…….
Monthly Archives: October 2015
The essay below the artwork can be read as a brief introduction to situatedness of all human experience, including family dynamics. It was written as part of an interesting Social Psychology course at the Open University in 2010. To what … >>>>>…….>>>>>…….
Below are some extracts from Cathy Malchiodi’s revised and updated 2007 book edition The Art Therapy Sourcebook (Chapter 1) ‘While art can serve as decoration or hang in a museum, there are other purposes for art, ones that are connected … >>>>>…….>>>>>…….