Photos V Time
Consciousness and the Arrow of Time by Dan Siegel (
For The Time of Necessary Decision by John O’Donohue
‘The mind of time is hard to read / We can never predict what it will bring,
Nor even from all that is already gone / Can we say what form it finally takes;
For time gathers its moments secretly / Often we only know it’s time to change
When a force has built inside the heart / That leaves us uneasy as we are’
(From The Presence of Compassion: An Interview with John O’Donohue by Mary Nurrie Stearns)
‘The creator of the universe loves circles: time and space are circles, the day is a circle, the year is a circle, the earth is a circle. But when creating and fashioning the human heart, the creator only created a half-circle, so that there is something ontologically unfinished in human nature. That is why you can’t enter your own life or inhabit your full presence without a vital and real relationship with some other person. Your awakening and the fulfillment of your identity requires that you belong together with others. The need to belong to yourself, the deepest need of all, can only be fulfilled through the beautiful force-field of friendship. Our hunger to belong is actually an expression of our compassion for ourselves and our passion for the other’