The art products became transitional objects imbued with meaning beyond what they actually were, that is, for instance, a piece of paper with images on it, symbolically holding loss, meaning or emotions. Actually, Winnicot promoted the value of art as a transitional object because he considered art expression as a ‘holding environment’ and believed it was also a way to bridge subjective and objective realities (cited in Malchiodi, 2007)
(Tonya Alexandri, 2012)
‘Δεν θα πάψουμε ποτέ να εξερευνούμε και το τέλος της εξερεύνησης μας θα είναι να φτάσουμε εκεί πού ξεκινήσαμε και να γνωρίσουμε τον τόπο για πρώτη φορά’ (Τ. Σ. Έλιοτ)
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