Recipes & allostatic load or death by a thousand paper cuts (Edited: 3/10/2021) Part One A few posts back I wrote about schemata and beliefs we hold around our sense of worth, life and the world at large. One area … >>>>>…….>>>>>…….
Monthly Archives: September 2021
Decisions… “Imagine something like a little boat anchored in a bay and feeling this easing rising and falling of the evening waters. There’s a kind of hush that has fallen over the world…. sense of the day is now fulfilled…” … >>>>>…….>>>>>…….
Α. Two overflowing rivers of artistic creation Continuing from the previous post I’m posting one more song from The Ballad of Mauthausen: When the war is over (, 1966, Singer: Μαρία Φαραντούρη, Lyrics: Ιάκωβος Καμπανέλλης & Composer: Μίκης Θεοδωράκης) “Girl … >>>>>…….>>>>>…….