‘To trust in your goodness is your ultimate success’ Danielle LaPorte
«Η εμπιστοσύνη στην καλοσύνη σου είναι η ύστατη επιτυχία σου»
‘Many of us learn to subsist on a criticism diet, in a kind of pain that eats us. We turn the pain we feel against ourselves, using our hurts as evidence that we must be unworthy—not awfully bad, but certainly not wholly good… All oppressive systems feed this lie of unworthiness, of “not goodness”. This is the damning illusion of separation from Source………. So how did I come to my own conclusion of goodness? It doesn’t matter, really. (It’s the work of a lifetime.) What matters is that you lock eyes with your own Soul and believe when it tells you: You’re a good person. Always have been, always will be’ (From http://www.daniellelaporte.com/to-trust-in-your-goodness-is-the-ultimate-success/?)