Edited 10/08/2023 “A new day tainted with old ways.” “Slowly, it dawned on me that nothing was more important than stopping violence toward women—that the desecration of women indicated the failure of human beings to honor and protect life” Eve … >>>>>…….>>>>>…….

July 28th, 2023                                                                  The artwork has been posted Translation “To think in terms of zoe [life], which is borderless, is not to ignore citizenship or its borders, but to enter a contact zone where everything is translation…. If translation suggests … >>>>>…….>>>>>…….

July 18th, 2023 A biopsychosocial approach “Much of each brain’s circuitry at any given moment in adult life, is individual and unique,  truly reflective of that particular organism’s history and circumstances” Antonia Damasio The infant who has attained calm attention … >>>>>…….>>>>>…….